The majority view was apparently that NEPA does impose substantive limits on agencies and that agency action is subject to judicial review if it transgresses these limits. 大多数观点认为,《国家环境政策法》确实把实质性的限制强加给了机构,如果机构违犯了这些限制的话,机构的行为必然受到司法审查。
Empirical Study on the Application of Company Judicial Dissolution Lawsuit in China If society passed beyond the limits within which this constitution was adequate, that meant the end of the gentile order; 论我国司法解散制度适用范围的现实局限只要社会一越出这一制度所适用的界限,氏族制度的末日就来到了;
Without judicial review, statutory limits would be naught but empty words. 没有司法审查,法定权限将只是一句空话。
Under the specific operation of its judicial review system, the Supreme Court of India has gradually constituted the basic principles of Indian constitution, and then set necessary limits to the Indian parliament's power to change constitution under the constitutional country framework. 摘要在其司法审查制度的具体运作过程中,印度最高法院构建了独特的宪法基本原则,从而实现了对宪政国家框架下议会修改宪法权力的必要限制。
These will also allow the police to "detain suspects for preventive reasons", only with more" judicial oversight "and" limits "on police power. 而这些新法案也会允许警方“扣押嫌疑人以防万一”,只是多了些“司法监督”和“限制”。
The distinctness in two judicial review systems includes scope of judicial review and its intensity, method and limits on capacity to sue. 这种差异从两国司法审查的范围、程度、方法以及起诉资格的限制等方面就可以看出。
With regard to the traditional judicial jurisdiction, the state government usually limits the jurisdiction of courts with consideration of public policies. 在涉及传统的司法管辖领域时,国家常常会出于公共政策的考虑适当地限制法院的管辖权。
In fact, judicial system is high autonomy and it's a limits power, particularly, judicial has more complex in attitude towards political cases. 实际上美国的司法系统较为自治,其权力行使有一定范围,特别是对自认为属于政治问题的案件有较为复杂的态度。
This passage makes a definition for the judicial interpretation of legislation by illuminating the concept and the origin of the power of judicial interpretation, and the limits between the judicial interpretation and legislative. 本文通过对司法解释的概念及其权力来源,立法权与司法解释之间的界限的阐述,为司法解释立法化做出一个较为清晰的定义。
This article explores the basic rationale of corporate autonomy and the role of judicial intervention, and the two influence each other to find a balance between, and ultimately to find the limits of judicial intervention and the rules of corporate autonomy. 本文主要探讨公司自治的基本理论基础以及司法介入发挥的作用,并在两者互相影响间找到平衡点,最终找出司法介入公司自治的限度与规则。
Judicial applications of the principle of proportionality develop WTO law and the principle of proportionality should exert its function in judicial review of Dispute Settlement Body of WTO, and may control trade protectionism and keep within limits for abuse of rights by WTO members. 在司法方面,比例原则的适用发展了WTO法,比例原则应该在WTO争端解决机构的司法评审中发挥作用,比例原则还可以抑制贸易保护主义并遏制WTO成员方对权利的滥用。
When we balance the relationship between the media and the judicial, we should pay attention to delimit the media judicial intervention limits, to establish a perfect media supervision environment, and give media supervision a full play role on supervision justice. 在平衡媒体与司法的关系时,应注意划定媒体介入司法的界限,建立健全媒体舆论的监督环境,充分发挥媒体对司法监督作用。
Judicial intervention is one part national mandatory to force the constraints of corporate autonomy, but the relationship between them is uniform. And it has certain principles in the methods and limits. 司法介入是属于国家强制的一种,是对公司自治的约束,但两者的关系是双向统一的,并且方式和限度应当遵守一定的原则。
The second chapter describes the punishment of the crime of piracy norms of international law legislation and judicial limits, analyzes the international law legislation used to punish the pirate crime and compares the differences between pirate crime and other similar international crimes. 第二章介绍对海盗罪惩治的国际公约。具体分析惩治海盗罪的国际法规范及其不足,并比较海盗罪与相近国际犯罪的区别。第三章分析惩治海盗罪的国内立法。